Their Last Resort by R.S. Grey

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Their Last Resort PDF, a captivating romantic comedy penned by R.S. Grey, takes readers on a journey to a tropical paradise. This book pdf review will take you through the exhilarating narrative, shedding light on the author’s storytelling prowess and captivating characters.

The Plot

Their Last Resort is a delightful tale of love and rivalry set in the lush landscapes of a luxury vacation resort in Turks and Caicos. The protagonists, Paige Young and Cole Clark offer a refreshing portrayal of polar opposites who share a workspace.


In this romantic narrative, Paige, a world traveler, and Cole, a numbers enthusiast, lead contrasting lives at the same luxury resort. Paige’s adventurous spirit is well-suited for leading guest activities, while Cole’s meticulous nature fits perfectly with his role as the resort’s assistant director. Despite their differences, they share a common trait – a knack for driving each other wild, resulting in a daily war of words.


Paige Young

Paige is a vibrant, free-spirited woman who loves her job and the thrill of new adventures. She thrives in the company of resort guests, always ready to join them on cliffside hikes or host a fun bingo night. Her dynamic personality is a stark contrast to Cole’s more reserved demeanor.

Cole Clark

Cole represents the epitome of a rule-abiding employee, a man of numbers who finds solace in his desk job. He is the person who not only follows the book but keeps it safe in his desk drawer. His personality is a far cry from Paige’s spontaneous nature, leading to a constant battle of wits.

The Twist

The story takes an unexpected turn when Paige discovers that Cole has been ordered to fire her on the same day a hurricane threatens the island. This revelation, coupled with their forced proximity due to the storm, paves the way for feelings to surface.

Author’s Style

R.S. Grey is known for her signature style of blending humor with romance, and Their Last Resort is no exception. The author’s witty banter and clever use of pop-culture references add a delightful layer to the narrative, making readers laugh out loud.

Review: Their Last Resort pdf

The book has garnered positive reviews for its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and the author’s unique writing style. Readers have praised the author’s ability to craft a hilarious and heartwarming tale set against a picturesque backdrop.


Their Last Resort by R.S. Grey is a must-read for fans of rom-coms. The contrasting personalities of the protagonists, their humorous banter, and the unexpected twist make for an engaging read. The book is a perfect tropical escape that will leave readers yearning for more.

Download the PDF

For those who wish to dive into this tropical romance, the Their Last Resort pdf download is available online. The PDF version of the book offers readers the convenience of accessing the story anytime, anywhere.

By providing an immersive reading experience, Their Last Resort by R.S. Grey proves to be a delightful romantic comedy that is both entertaining and heartwarming. Readers looking for a tropical escape within the pages of a book will undoubtedly enjoy this enticing narrative.

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